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Plangrenze für Ecwid von Lightspeed
Plangrenze für Ecwid von Lightspeed
András Halász avatar
Verfasst von András Halász
Vor über 5 Monaten aktualisiert

It might happen that you have some pending products that are in stock, but for some reason, they are not uploaded to your store.

In these cases, we suggest checking how many products your Ecwid by Lightspeed plan allows as there are limitations on the products’ numbers based on your Ecwid by Lightspeed plan.

To learn more about it, please check their pricing and plan comparison on the following link:

In case your Ecwid by Lightspeed plan allows you to upload more products, but the issue still persists please follow the steps on the link below:

Should you have any questions or need any assistance, let us know via the in-app chat or e-mail at support@syncee.com.

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