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Account Settings

How to edit your profile settings?

Sara Orszagh avatar
Written by Sara Orszagh
Updated this week

It may happen that you wish to check or change settings regarding your Syncee account.

To access the Account menu, first go to the Retailer Center at the top right section of the page by clicking on your initials.

You will see the My Account menu on the left side of the page. Choose Settings.

Let's see what you can check and set in each sub-menu.

  • Profile

    • Find the general settings here, such as account information (the language of the app, password settings, personal and business details, onboarding settings)

    • Please note, the e-mail address can not be changed in your account, if you need to modify it, please let us know, we will be able assist

  • Billing information

    • Add your billing information here - company name, address, name

  • My Shops

    • Check the stores you have added

    • Add a new store

  • Order settings

    • Fill the Orders Billing and Orders Shipping information

    • Set which orders should be downloaded from your store

  • Payment settings

    • Click on the "Add" button next to the PayPal and Credit/Debit card options to add your payment details

  • Preferences

    • Edit your settings for product recommendations relating to the Marketplace

      • The product categories you are interested in

      • Your customers' location

      • Products' location (ships from regions)

  • Notifications

    • Set what do you want to receive email and in-app notifications about

  • Team

    • Add more members who can manage your store's Syncee account

  • Activity log

    • Check the history of the activities of your Syncee account

Should you have any questions or need any assistance, let us know via the in-app chat or e-mail at

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